Due to an internet outage caused by the snow, this post was backdated a day to reflect when it was actually written.
I'm not biased against "conservatives;" I've just given up on tolerance toward them. Consider yourself warned.
Oddly enough, government structure over time remains basically the same. We'd like to believe that the
There's a certain change that happens in governments over time. Decay. People don't become more and more happy with their governments; they become less and less satisfied until finally it becomes an intolerable burden and there is a revolt.
Democracy is not immune to that sort of entropy. It's proven more resistant than a Theocracy or a Monarchy, but slowly and surely the
This "red state vs. blue state" mentality isn't purely fiction. There are real differences between the rural and metropolitan counties that are driving us apart. If I had to speculate, I would have to say that in the next hundred years there will be multiple countries where the
Let me take a moment to think about that breakup for a moment.
On the West side you'll have
Unfortunately, this eastern state will share a border with the newest religious state, the Confederated States of Christ. The capitol city will be
Of course, the Confederated States of Christ will have some serious internal problems. The federal NYC and Microsoftland will have problems too, but CSC will face three serious challenges.
The first one is
The second one is that it will be perpetually at war. Unlike the hippy Microsoftlanders or the sissy NYCers, the CSC will have the brave foresight to have declared a war on Islam. Not one limited by the satanic Geneva Convention but a full fledged war to the death, mutual annihilation be damned. That means closed borders, and even though the CSC will provide a majority of
The CSC's third problem is going to be internal. Do you have a Christmas Tree? You'd better. And it had better be as big and as brilliantly lit as you can afford. After all, without pride in your national religion the Mohammedans will win, and you don't want them to win, do you?
So you had better attend Church ever Sunday. And Wednesday too, just to be on the safe side. And maybe on Friday or Saturday. If people don't think you're a True Christian they might become suspicious and call the Department of Homeland Religion and report you.
While I'm taking stereotypes too far, let's look at Microsoftland and federal NYC. NYC is suffering from an acute growth problem due to the numerous gay marriages that have resulted in a birth rate drop. Most NYCers are well educated, older, and in poor health due to being unable stop watching television if their lives depended on it. Still, they'll have a stable government and they'll have a lot of money to play around with, considering all the Jews controlling the stock market and all of the gays controlling the fashion and art industries.
Microsoftland will be having a marital crisis. Or several. Perhaps multiple ones on the same time. Having finally lost their media edge to Bollywood, the main industry of
The scary thing about saying all this, is that I can see everything except the last two paragraphs happening. Most of the country is trending toward an inclusion of religion in government, less personal responsibility in favor of more government control, and acute xenophobia.
Let's face it, and country that includes
That's enough on Microsoftland, federal NYC and CSC for now.
Where was I? Ah, right, the blue state vs. red state mentality. Blue states are metropolitan, and red states are rural. Even today, a white Christian in a rural area is probably going to be in a majority position, and he's going to know it. He's going to see himself represented on the school board, the city council and in the U.S. House. On the flip side of that, if you live in NYC, you'll probably live next to a neighborhood of people that are distinctly not you, be they Jews, Asians, Italians or just queers.
If you don't have a voting bloc capable of enforcing your will, that breeds tolerance. You don't know if the cop responding will be one of them or one of you, so you even if two men are making out in the street so you'd better let them be. After a few days, when they don't break down the door, you may even learn to live with all of them, even if they speak different languages, eat things you wouldn't touch, or go to that church with minarets down the street from yours.
Abortions? In the country, you need those kids to survive and provide you with a loyal customer base in the future. In the city, those crowded schools and overflowing foster care systems belie the idea that there will be homes for all of those extra kids. Better for them not to exist in the first place than to be put into a hopeless situation. That wealthy couple from the ranch may want kids enough to adopt, but there aren't enough of those for the city.
In all of this, there is a distinct difference in the way that people think and view the world. True, it's prejudiced on both sides, but it's still intrinsic to the way that people live their lives.
I've led too far astray on the main point: this difference in viewpoint is pulling us apart. If you call it "The War of Northern Aggression" you also will agree with me when I say that it wasn't just about slavery. One of those other reasons (as I understand it) is that
To me, this is a novel way for a country to decay. Usually when a state decays to the point that it's falling apart, it's because one side has all of the power and has begun abusing that power, oppressing a lower class.
For the
Still, everyone is unhappy with the way our government works. There isn't a Reagan on the horizon that can get more than 51% of the majority vote. No matter who the Republicans nominate, I'm voting for the other guy, and no matter who the Democrats nominate, the proverbial Bush supporting redneck is voting for the conservative guy. Obama isn't going to solve that problem, nor is McCain.
Without that political messiah, we're headed for a nasty divorce.
Incidentally, technology has drastically changed revolution. I don't own a gun and don't ever plan to own one, but I support the Second Amendment (both fanatically and half heartedly). I understand the right of the individual to own a gun for self protection, but I don't think that anyone should own their own F-15 fighter or even a personal nuke.
The problem is, the government does own that sort of thing, and if the government sees its own citizens as a threat, it won't hesitate to use those weapons against that threat.
That sounds dire, and it is. The weapons of mass murder that technology has given rise too have a hair trigger, and so do the people that we've bred to wield them. Obviously, it's not just nukes and fighter jets. High powered machine guns are a threat to a stable society. Which is why most people have agreed to ban them and the NRA has fought to allow them. This is the proverbial two-edged sword.
Violence seems to be one of the requisites for change, but we've suppressed violence so well with our technology that we've suppressed social change as well.
I want to live in a stable society, but when it comes down to it, I don't think that
I'm prepared to just walk away, if that could accomplish change peacefully. To declare the
Violence radicalizes like little else.
I'm sorry to say that. I love the
This is a very good blog. Funny, painfully true at times.
MSB, at 7:18 PM
Thanks for the response, MSB.
Spherical Time, at 7:39 PM
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